Sometimes franchisors wish to have a questionnaire that is not scored for the following purposes: 

  • Training. 
  • Self-assessments before the real audit where you don't want a franchisee to feel 'punished' for a negative result. 
  • Practice audit to test the system or create documentation.

In practice, this means that all questions on the audit questionnaire have a maximum score result of 0. 

About Unscored Audits and Self-Assessments

An unscored audit has the following features for audits and self-assessments:

During audit

  • "Yes No" question labels aren't showing in color depending on the score in the completed field audit report detailed section.
  • Scores are not shown anymore once the result is completed.


  • The heatmap is not shown anymore on analytics and complete result report.
  • Show overview button isn't shown in the completed result report.

In other parts of FranchiseBlast

  • It displays as "not scored" instead of -- in the following: 
    • the score column for field audits and self-assessments landing pages.
    • the section scores column for field audits and self-assessments.
  • It displays as "not completed" instead of -- in the result list for field audits and self-assessments.
  • Score column isn't shown anymore for unscored field audits in the completed field audit columns details section.
  • Top-level sections scores and category scores are both not shown.

How to Set Up an Unscored Audit Questionnaire 

To get started, go to Field Audits > Questionnaires > 

  • Click on Relevant Audit if you want to edit an existing audit. 
  • Click on the Green + if you want to create a new audit.  

Once you are editing, click on each score and set it to 0. 

When all questions have a 0 score, the audit will be an unscored audit. 

Do you have further questions, please contact