In this article, you can learn about everything you need to know about adding and editing questionnaires. This includes: 

  • Creating new templates 
  • Modifying the structure 
  • Editing questionnaire settings 
  • Editing section settings 
  • Editing question settings

This flexibility allows you to have exactly the questionnaire that you want in FranchiseBlast. 

Creating a New Questionnaire Template

To create a new audit questionnaire, go to Collaboration>Field Audits > Blue Questionnaires button on top right > Select Relevant Questionnaire.

On the next screen, click on the green plus sign at the top right corner of the screen:

You should now be in the field audit editor mode.  You can now set up your sections along with their questions. Once you've completed the questionnaire, please do not forget to save. Once you've saved, you should see the questionnaire on the list.

Editing Questionnaire Templates

To edit or create a Field Audit questionnaire, select Collaboration, Field Audits, then select the blue Questionnaires button. From the list of questionnaires, select the one that you would like to edit or modify.  

If the questionnaire you select has already been answered, you'll see a yellow alert box. Choose the Edit Anyways button to edit your questionnaire. 

When a questionnaire is modified, FranchiseBlast will create a new revision of that questionnaire. Any existing Field Audit results that were created using the previous version of the audit will not update automatically. Only new audits will reference the latest version.

The questionnaire will now be in Editing mode. Once you select a questionnaire, review how the various sections are structured, the question-type used, and point value for each question.  

Editing the Title of a Section

You can select a Section Title to edit the text. Make sure that you click the blue Save button to ensure changes are completed. 

Editing a Question

To edit a question, select it and change the text. 

Here are more functions you can do with a question.
  • Mandatory: click the red * icon on the left side of the question text to make the question mandatory or not mandatory.
  • Change Question Type: You can change the question type by selecting the blue dropdown button and choosing a different question type. For more information on these question types, please see the article on understanding question types.
  • Assign a point value: Add your value by typing into the points. Please see the article on field audit scoring for more information
  • Delete: Remove the question by clicking on the red x on the left. 

Adding a Question to an Existing Template 

Sometimes there is a need to add a question to a template after it has been complete. To make that happen, go to the field audit questionnaire and go to Editing. Scroll down to the relevant section. For this example, we used Customer Experience and tried adding a question Offer the customer samples as part of a new initiative. 

Ensure that you click save before proceeding to next steps.

The question will automatically go to the bottom of the list. However, in this example, we want it to be closer to the time that the customer is greeted. To move it up, go to Edit Structure on the tabs and go to the relevant section, Customer Experience in this example. Then, click on the arrows on the right. 

To move it up within the section. click on the simple arrows. To move it up to different sections, click on on the arrows with a turn.   

Question Options

Question options give you more flexibility on individual questions. Click on the (...) on the right of the question to get started.  


The information written here appears on the pop-up beside the question. 

Can Select N/A as an Answer 

Sometimes the result of a certain question is not applicable for a certain location, such as those with no drive-thrus. Having N/A means that the results of the question will not affect the overall score. 

"No" is the Right Answer 

"No" can be a good thing sometimes, and this setting allows that to have No as correct, adding up to the final score. 

Mandatory Picture on Failure

If a question fails, this forces the auditor to take a picture. 

Mandatory Task on Failure

If a question fails, this forces the auditor to add a task. 


Severity levels helps you control if an audit fails or not based on specific questions. For example, there could be a health violation that is extremely serious, and you want to ensure that any franchisee that has an issue with it immeditately fails the audit. You can set this up in questionnaire settings. For the question itself, you can set it at the severety level that you think is relevant. 


Category settings on questionaire entries allow you to categorize entries in a questionnaire that are not necessarely in the same section.  This enables reports to be grouped and filtered by categories that you can create in FranchiseBlast.

Simply type the name of the new category that you want to create in the category field and press enter (or select it from the list).  For example, above we are creating a new category Exceptional Service.  This newly created category will then be available to select on other entries of the questionnaire right away and accross all your questionnaires.

Assigning an existing entry category is as easy as clicking on the category field of the entry and selecting the right one.  You can also type the first letters of the category you wish to add and the existing category options will be filtered as you type to ease the selection.

Once categories are defined on entries of a questionnaire, a new section called "Category Scores" will be automatically available under the Top Level Section Scores section in the read-only view of a completed result.  This enables you to visualize the scoring of the result grouped by the categories that you defined.  In figure 3 for example, we can notice that 50% of the entries that were marked with the Cleanliness category have failed, an insight that can't be gained from the Top Level Section Scores section.

Section Options


Penalty Scoring 

Penalty scoring is useful when you when you are looking to increase the impact of a failure for a particular section, such as a heavily legislated section such as HIPAA. 

If you have a section with 10 questions, if one question did not pass, that would give the franchisee 9/10. 

Imagine you wanted to add a penalty, and you give it a value of 5. In that case, if one question did not pass, the franchisee would get a 5/10. 

Score Override

Not all audit sections were created equal. In fact, sometimes you want to "force" the value of one section over another. For this purpose, FranchiseBlast has the Score Override. 

This functionality that allows you to say that one section, such as facilities,  is worth 20% of the overall score instead of adding up the points for each question. For example, if you have a 50-question audit, and just 5 of them are for facility, their value overall will be 10%. But what if facility is more important, and worth a more significant value of the overall audit, such as 20%?  

This way you aren't changing the individual quesiton weights to get the right balance or score. 

To override the score, go to the ... to the right of the relevant section. You will then see the current section score on the left, and you can choose the score that you wish it to be on the right. After it is changed, the field will change color. 

After the override is complete, you can see it in yellow. 

Visibility Rules

If you'd like to dive a little bit deeper into editing you can select the button with 3 dots on the right side of each question or section to view all of the editing options. This will allow you to see all of the options available for editing this particular question.

Not all your franchise locations have the same characteristics or way of operating, we get that.  Perhaps your field audit or polling questionnaires already reflect those differences amongs them.  Which results in having questions that don't really apply to all locations for which they're used.  This limits your capacity to validate all the mandatory information has been filled out, since you can't make these questions mandatory for everyone.  Maybe you'd simply like to ask more specific questions to some locations based on their characteristics as well.

To solve this problem we're introducing conditional sections in FranchiseBlast.  In a nutshell, conditional sections enable you to conditionally hide or show a section when answering a Field Audit or Polling questionnaire for a franchise location, based on which store groups includes it.  

As shown above, configuration of a conditional section visibility rules can be done in the section settings dialog from the editing tab of the questionnaire editor.  For instance, above we only want to select region 1b. Maybe this section is about Iced Tea, which is only sold in the American South, region 1b. 

When a section is setup as conditional with visibility rules as explained above, the section will still show up in the questionnaire to locations but won't be mandatory.  However, if they decide that it should be applicable then they will still have the option to answer the section anyway.

As you can probably imagine, this functionality gives you much more flexibility in how you can design your field audit or polling questionnaires within FranchiseBlast, and enables you to build questionnaires that can be applicable to almost any franchise location's characteristics.  All of this while enforcing how you can validate the data your collecting from your franchise locations, giving you more accurate insights of what's going on in your business.

Included in Section Summary 

By default, all sections are included in the summary. If you want to hide it, you can select this option.

Creating Questions and Sections

Closing this tab and moving back to the questionnaire Editing mode, notice that you can add questions or sections at any point in the questionnaire using the +question or +section buttons throughout the questionnaire (you'll find one of these buttons within each section).

Editing the Structure of the Questionnaire

You can also edit the structure of the questionnaire by selecting the Edit Structure tab.

Cut or Copy: The scissors icon helps you cut the question, and place it somewhere else. The Icon with the overlapping documents helps you copy a question. 

After copying or cutting, when you move your cursor around the questionnaire, you can see an opportunity to Paste After. Click on that green button, and the paste will happen. 

Move Up or Down: The triangle helps you move a question up. The upside down triangle helps you move a question down. 

Move Up or Down a Section: The up arrow shown to the left helps you move up a section. The down arrow helps you move down a section. 

More Questionnaire Settings 

You can see more questionnaire settings by clicking on the (...) on the right of the questionnaire. 

Exporting a Questionnaire to Excel or CSV

To export a questionnaire to Excel, you can select that option. 


If you require a large modification to the questionnaire, it might be easier to send an updated copy to our team to load. To do this, just click on the options button at the top right corner then choose "export to excel".  Once you've extracted in Excel format, please make any required updates and send it to Once we receive it, we will upload the new copy and notify you when complete. Turnaround time is 1-3 business day or less. 

Read-Only Version

If you want to create an attractive version of your questionnaire, click on Read Only version. You can then save that to PDF or print it out. 

Final Note on Questionnaire Settings 

You'll find additional settings that can be edited through the Settings tab as well. Two of the settings to consider on this page, are “Auto-Approval”, and “Send PDF on Approval”.By default, field audits are automatically approved in FranchiseBlast meaning that a second set of eyes review the audit before it is sent to franchisees. To require a second set of eyes on the audit, de-select auto-approved.

Also by default, franchisees will receive a link to login and view their field audits in FranchiseBlast. To send a PDF version of the report to franchisees instead of the link, select “Send PDF on approval”. Note: Franchisees typically aren’t onboarded until the franchisor has performed an audit at each location. This ensures franchisees have something to review when they log into the system for the first time.

For a detailed overview of Questionnaire Settings, see the article here

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