Below are the definitions and best use case for each of the questionnaire types.
In this section
A question that can be answered with either Yes, No or N/A. *Note: All questions types have the option for N/A. Choosing this answer will not impact the overall score.
Text (single line)
A question that can be answered with a short text (single line text)
Text (multi-line)
A question that can be answered with a longer text (multiple lines)
Multiple Choice (one answer)
A multiple choice question where we can choose only one answer. Each answer can be assigned different point values.
Please note: We've recently added an option to include a free text field in the multiple choice options to allow the auditor to enter in their own answer
Multiple Choice (multiple answers)
A multiple choice question where we can choose multiple answers from the list of choices. Each answer can be assigned different point values. Please note that as in the Radio type, the option for a free text field is also available for this type.
A question where a single image can be uploaded.
A question where we can upload multiple images
A question that must be answered with a number(s). This question type is set up with an an extra validator to ensure that only numbers are inputted.
A question that must be answered with an email address. This question type is set up with an an extra validator to ensure that only emails are inputted.
A timer control to calculate speed of service. To initiate the timer, simply click on the play button.
Once the timer has been started, you will then see the stop button. The question will either pass or fail based depending on what has been defined
A question that requests to upload a file.
A question that requests a date with a date picker.
A question that asks for a temperature and provides an acceptable range for that temperature.
A question that asks for a concentration (ex PPM) and provides an acceptable range for that concentration.
A question that allows for a signature