The core logic behind the Audit Repeat Weaknesses Report is for auditor managers (VP Operations, etc.) to be able to quickly pull up a list of locations who are failing certain questions repeatedly over a period of time. Depending on the severity level, legal letters may be sent out. Here is an example in our demo system:
You can see above that store TM006 has 1 question that has failed at least twice in 6 audits. Store TM049 also has one question which failed at least twice in 18 audits. In both cases, the last audit passed regardless of these repeat weaknesses.
If you click on a store to drill down into it, you will be presented with the list of questions which failed.
Notice that this store has failed the "Is the sign clean?" question repeatedly and has not corrected this issue as of 2016-Oct-04. In this simple example, you'll potentially recognize this question as the one which always fails in our training videos. It is important to note that the last time this store was audited, this question still failed. A typical pattern in franchise systems is that they will be performing quarterly audits and will revisit failing stores repeatedly until the critical elements have been corrected. Using this report, you can quickly get insights into the repeated patterns and the last evaluation.
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