Don't know how to access the FranchiseBlast field audit application?
Once a questionnaire has been setup, field audits can then be performed in locations. Here's a 5 minute video about completing your first FranchiseBlast Field Audit.
Accessing the Field Audit Application
To access a field audit, go to Collaboration --> Field Audits.
On the desktop, click on the green (+) button on the bottom left.
Accessing or Launching a Field Audit on a Location
It may take a minute to install the application, but the questionnaire downloads to your cache so that it can be launched offline if needed. In addition to making the audit available offline, FranchiseBlast backs-up your responses to the device any time you lose internet connection during a visit.
You can also access your audits from any page in FranchiseBlast's desktop application by selecting theMobile button. On mobile devices this button looks like a trophy.
If you are a franchisee, you may see only one store. If you are an auditor or a multiunit operator, once the page has loaded, you'll see a list of all the stores in your territory. If there is already an audit scheduled for me at this location, it will be indicated on the right. You can start an audit from here even if there isn't one already scheduled. Select the location you’d like to audit.
When launching an audit, you’ll see a store dashboard that shows things like, the location’s top 10 audit weaknesses, and how their field audit scores compare to the brand average. You'll also find the store address and phone number. Select the “+ Launch a New Audit” button and choose a field audit template from the drop-down menu.
Launching a Field Audit for a Location
Next select the Launch a New Field Audit button and then select a questionnaire you want to complete and to launch the new field audit. This will bring us right into the audit.
Answering a Field Audit
Displaying Past Results While Answering a Field Audit
Once the audit loads, you can select the “show past results” button at the top of the page to see how this audit was answered the last time it was completed this location if applicable. We can see that guests weren't being welcomed when they entered the restaurant so we'll be sure to keep an eye on that.
Now let's start completing the audit! Your questionnaire(s) will be different and is fully customizable.
We can select Yes, No, or N/A for the questions shown here.
Attaching Pictures to Questions While Answering a Field Audit
Creating Follow-Up Tasks While Answering a Field Audit
Also notice that you can use the buttons with the camera icon to attach a photo to any question. This button will allow you to upload a photo that you've taken or use the camera on your device to take a photo. While completing the audit, you can attach comments, pictures, and tasks to any of the questions. Select the camera icon to take/upload a picture to a question.
You may want to create a follow up task for one of the questions. For example, if an employee needs to be retrained. You can create a task by using the overflow (...) button on a question, as shown above. The overflow button allows you to Create a Task, Manage Tasks, or Manage Photos.
To create a task select this button and then select Create a Task. You can describe the task, give it a due date and assign it to the appropriate person or department. When creating a new task on a question, you can set a due date and assign the task to a user group. You can also mark the task as a “Violation”; this would automatically fail the audit regardless of the overall score. When you're finished use the Create Task button.
Once the audit is submitted, it becomes read-only, meaning only people with “Store Auditor Manager” permissions can make changes.
Navigating a Questionnaire While Answering a Field Audit
We can use the Go to Section button to navigate between the different sections of our Field Audit Questionnaire.
Once you reach the end of your questionnaire you can submit it using the green Submit button. Once you submit the audit it becomes read only. After the audit has been submitted typically the auditor manager will receive an email letting them know that there is a new audit in the system awaiting their approval. We can also configure this so that audits are automatically approved if you'd like.
Once they approve an audit the results are sent to the Franchisee and included in your dashboard(s).
At this point we have a read-only version of the audit that we can review with the Franchisee but the Audit and the Tasks are still awaiting approval.
See Approving Field Audits to see how to approve tasks for a field audit.
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