Sometimes when doing an audit, you mistakenly select the wrong store. We are all human, and this just happens sometimes. Fortunately, there is a way to reassign an audit through the Scheduling section. 

To change the store assignment on a field audit, go to Field Audits > Scheduling

To make it easier to find the audit, change the auditor to you by clicking Advanced Filters > Select your name.   From the list, just click on the audit you want to modify.

Click anywhere on this screen, other than the square with the arrow. Then click on the Action dropdown on the top right and click Edit Infos. Please note: For those that have auditor access, you can modify your audit as long as it's in the started stage.  If the audit is the approved state, please contact support@franchiseblast or your auditor manger to move the audit back to the started state. 


On this screen, see the Store to audit. You can then change that value and save. 

When you return to the scheduling screen, you will see the audit in the same state for the new store. 

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