Store Auditor Managers and Auditors (please request access) have the ability to schedule store audits. This functionality allows you to proactively define your travel schedule and optionally communicate your plan to others.
To do this, please perform the following steps.
Go to Collaboration>Field Audits. Please select the scheduling tab. You will notice the list of available stores. Each row is a location and each column is a month. Looking at the totals on this page allows you to quickly see which units haven't been audited and how many visits you'll be performing per month. Please choose the one that you would like to schedule an audit for and select the appropriate cell for the desired month.
Alternately, you can go to the Audit Insights report and click on the audit completion column for the relevant store.
Whichever route you take, you will be broug
On the next screen, please select the auditor that is to perform the audit. You can also choose the date for the audit by clicking on date calendar in the audit date field. You will need to select the questionnaire that is to be used for the audit as well
Once you have made your selection, please do not forget to select the save button at the bottom right corner
You will now see the scheduled audit listed under the Audits Tab in the planned section.
If you wish to export only the planned ones to Excel to share with your team or franchisees, note that you can click on the Planned state button and then click the small Excel export icon on top right corner of the page, below the search bar. You'll want to prune a few columns. The most important ones are typically StoreID indicating the location SurveyPlannedDate indicating the date and AssociatedUserId indicating who will be auditing this unit. (Columns D, E and F).
Additionally, within the Calendar tab, you will see a calendar view of the scheduled audits as per above. You can navigate months using the small calendars on the left and can click on a particular event in the calendar to open it up. You can also click on one of the days in the calendar to schedule a new visit on that day.
Notice the Add to Outlook button on the left hand side of the screen, below the calendars. Clicking on this button opens up a panel giving you a hyperlink you can add to your calendar software (Outlook or other) which will synchronize your scheduled audits from FranchiseBlast into your own calendar. This hyperlink is unique to your user account and should be kept private.
For added clarity, here are detailed guides for adding a calendar feed to different calendar software:
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