If you are a FranchiseBlast user with access to more than one franchise, you might have noticed that the franchise picker to filter the data in a page by a franchise that was usually within each page's top header has been moved in some pages.

The picker was moved to the top right of the page within the top app bar.  It is currently a partial transition to support upcoming new features will be released early this year in order to help you do your work more efficiently in FranchiseBlast.  

Eventually, the franchise picker will be located at the top right of each page for a more consistent user experience.  The current pages that are affected by this change are the following:

  • Stores > Stores
  • Stores > Franchises
  • Administration > General
  • Administration > Notifications
  • Administration > Users
  • Administration > Teams

We understand this is a big change and hope you understand it will improve your user experience with FranchiseBlast in the long run when the feature is fully released by providing a more consistent user interface across all pages within the application.

Should you have any question or issue please contact our support team at support@franchiseblast.com