Adding staff to a store gives you a starting point for some important functionalities in Stores.
- Field audit, poll, and project team-based notifications.
- Making users available for task assignments in teams for projects and field audit actions plans.
- Automatically assigning smart emails to store Timeline.
This can be done in a few ways, including:
- On the Store
- On the User
- On Teams - this is best when the person has access to multiple stores.
This article will cover the store and user. To learn about adding people as staff using teams, go here.
To get started, go to Stores > Stores > Choose Relevant Store. Then click on Staff.
Please note that only people granted "View and edit stores in the stores page". If you need to edit your permissions please contact support.
To add a new staff member, click on the blue button at the top, labeled Add Staff Member.
The Add Staff Member Wizard will then appear.
First, select a function. In this example, we will use Franchisee.
Then, select the person by typing in their name or email.
The person will then be added to the list.
Having difficulty? Note that a person cannot be added as a staff member for a function if they already are a staff member in that store with the same function.
To remove a staff member, simply select the edit button next to staff member you want to remove and choose an end date under "Store Staff Since".
To get started adding the staff from the user standpoint, go to Administration > People > Users then click on Where Does This Person Work?
You can then see a listing of all stores that the person is assigned to.
To get started, click on the green plus.
You can then select the store. Note, that users will only have access to stores that they have group access to. Learn about adding group access here.
If the start date is other than today, you can change that, and add relevant notes. Then click Add to continue.
Do you have further questions? Contact us at