Polling widgets help you see, as of the first login, how polls are performing for the organization. To see how to add polling widgets to your dashboard, see Getting Started with User Dashboards

Poll Summary per Store 

The Poll Summary per Store allows you to quickly understand what is going on with individual polls, across the franchise as a whole, or for a specific group. 

To begin, select:

  • the relevant store group - the group with the star reflects your entire organization. 
  • polling definition
  • period 

When that is complete, select Add

Note, that this feature works for individual definitions only, so you may need to add these widgets over time to reflect the relevant polling definitions. For example, you may have a Health and Safety Poll and a Marketing Poll, for which you would want separate widgets.

The widget will then appear on the dashboard as per the below, showing the following columns: 

  • Unit ID 
  • Answered/Total: Answered shows how many polls were answered for that store, vs. the total sent during the selected period.  
  • Percent: The percent converts the Answered/Total into a percent. 

You can scroll up and down on results by using the scroll bar on the right. 

On the top right, you can see a Percent completed on Average, which is an average for all stores.  

The X icon at the top will allow you to download the results to Excel, for when you want to share the results offline or at a meeting. It shows the polls that have been sent, vs the ones that have been answered. 


Need more help?

Feel free to contact us at support@franchiseblast.com with any questions.