Start Here if You Are a Franchisee, Staff and Crew
Welcome to FranchiseBlast for franchisees and team members! In this section, you will learn about how to work with your franchisor team to help your business improve profitability. Running a business is hard work but having the right tools in place helps every step of the way.
Why FranchiseBlast
When you are on the front lines of the franchise, you have other things to do other than typing in data for your franchisor. At the same time, you want to benefit from your franchisor’s brand, and the insights from your network of franchisee counterparts. You need a more effective system to connect you to your franchisor easily, while getting sophisticated insights you would not get on your own. With FranchiseBlast, you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.
How to Access Your Franchise
Get started now by accessing your franchise!
Ready to get to the next stage? Go to Review and Analyze Audits
Do you want to see the whole guide? See Our Smart Guide for Franchisees, Staff and Crew