People are granted access to information concerning stores in FranchiseBlast when they are granted Store Group Access to a store group that contains them. Having access to a store group grants access to most of the information about a store group (varies depending on pricing plan):
- Having it shown in reports, including insights and dashboards.
- Receiving information about audits, polls, tasks and projects being completed for stores within the group, according to preferences.
- Access an information repository for each store within the store group
Being granted Store Group Access to a store group however doesn't necessarely grant someone permission to edit all of the information related to a group within the system; it only grants access to the group's information in general.
Learn More About Manging Permissions for People
Typical Setup
Most people are usually granted access to a single store group that contains all the stores for which they should have access to. For people assigned as store staff in Franchisee, Franchise Business Consultant, Area Manager store functions in stores, this can be automatically managed by the FranchiseBlast system - according to the stores where they as set up to work.
Learn More About Store Function Store Groups
High level executives and franchisor staff, however, usually require access to multiple store groups. Which allows them to benchmark performance of store groups assigned to different people within the system for example. Hence, they are usually managed manually by the person responsible for administration of the FranchiseBlast instance within an organization or by FranchiseBlast's support staff.
There are two ways to manage people who have access to a store group in FranchiseBlast. You can either manage which groups a person has access to, or manage which people have access to a particular store group.
Managing Store Group Access for a Person
As a system administrator granted with user administration permission, you can manage a person's account by going to Administration -> People -> Users and choosing a person from the list. From there, you can manage the store groups for which the person is granted access to from the Store Group Access tab.
Granting a Person Access to a New Store Group
To grant the person access to a new store group, click on the Grant Group Access button. You will then enter in edition mode and be shown a dropdown of store groups to pick from. Pick a store group and click on the Grant Access
button to grant access to the store group for this person. A green bar on the left of the newly added store group row will be shown letting you know this was recently granted and that changes are waiting to be saved to take effect.
Revoking a Person's Access to a Store Group
To revoke access from a person to a store group they already have access to, hover on the row showing its name in the list and click on the remove button to the far right of the row.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you click on the save button on the bottom right of the screen to save your changes once you're done.
To see more details on revoking store group access, see deactivating and transferring access.
Managing People Who Have Access to a Store Group
As a system administrator being granted with permission to manage store groups, you can manage people who have access to a particular store groups from Administration > Stores > Store Groups. From there you'll be shown a list from which you can pick the store group you want to manage people's access for. Once you picked a store group, the Permissions tab lets you views and elect which people within your organization have access to that particular store group. Simply check or uncheck the leftmost checkbox from the list to grant or revoke access to the store group from a person, respectively.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you click on the save button on the bottom right of the screen to save your changes once you're done.
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