As an organization administrator, you can define which teams get notified when a variety of events occur within FranchiseBlast through the organization notification preferences.  Notification preferences can be accessed by navigating to Administration -> Notifications.  This helps you streamline the information flow through your organization and make sure that information is getting to the right people at the right time.

Adding Recipients

With notification preferences, you have the flexibility to define which teams get notified by email for each notification type.  To add a team as recipients for a particular notification, click on Add Recipients .  Select the team from the dropdown list and click on Add.  You will see the team displayed in the list of recipients for this notification.  You can then click on a team's name in the recipients list for a notification to quickly verify the list of members that are part of it.  This clearly indicates who will receive a notification when selecting a team as a recipient.

Learn more about managing teams

Removing Recipients

Click on Remove  next to a team's name for a notification - it will be taken off the recipients list.

Field Audit Notifications

There are three types of notifications that FranchiseBlast can send once a field audit reaches a certain state in the workflow.  

  • When a field audit transitions from the started status to completed status, the system notifies the members of the Field Auditor Managers team for the location where the field audit was performed.  When field audits are automatically approved, this notification isn't sent - only the approved notification is sent.
  • When a field audit transitions from the completed status to the approved status, the system notifies the members of the Franchisees team for the location where the field audit was performed.  
  • When a field audit of self-assessment type is transitioned from started status to completed status.  Nobody is notified by default.

Your organization's field audit notification preferences are configured with the above defaults once your organization is setup.  However this is completely customizable and you can add/remove teams to be notified for each of the notifications as you wish.

Need more help?

Feel free to contact us at with any questions.