There are various ways your business might be segmenting its fiscal year - to easily compare similar periods against each other year over year for example.  Many accounting calendar practices are accepted as a standard in the accounting world, however one that stands out in many businesses is the 4-4-5 calendar method, which you can use within FranchiseBlast performance insights reporting. 

The 4–4–5 calendar divides a year into four quarters of 13 weeks grouped into two 4-week "months" and one 5-week "month". The grouping of 13 weeks may also be set up as 5–4–4 weeks or 4–5–4 theoretically, however FranchiseBlast currently only supports the standard 4-4-5 accounting calendar.  

There are also variations of the 4-4-5 calendar being used, such as the 52–53-week fiscal year, however this accounting period isn't supported in FranchiseBlast yet.

Learn more about accounting periods

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