FranchiseBlast account preferences that can be accessed by clicking your name on the top right navigation bar and then profile
. Account preferences let you define for which events occurring in the system you'd like to be notified by email, and how often.
At the top of this area, you will see how to change your password and edit your name.
Change Password
At the top, you can see how to change your password. Be sure that the new password, and confirm new password, match.
Email Notifications
Daily Digest Email Notifications
The Email Digest panel at the bottom of the page lets you pick more precisely which information you'd like to be receive within your email digest notification and how often you wish to receive it (daily, weekly, quarterly etc.). Simply select the checkboxes in the list you'd like to receive and leave the other ones unselected. You can also unsubscribe from the email digests by turning off the subscription switch in the panel heading at any time.
Task Notifications:
You can also choose to get different notifications on tasks including:
- Your tasks: this helps you stay on top of what you are responsible for.
- Unassigned tasks: This helps make sure that you don't lose track of tasks that don't have a person who is accountable yet.
- Everyone else's overdue tasks: This helps you understand what is going on with the rest of your team.
Tasks Notifications View
Here is a sample view of Unassigned Tasks and also Everyone Else's Overdue Tasks. This is a great view for those that manage others. If you are interested only in your own tasks, you can turn this view off.
Important! Once you've completed the update, please do not forget to select the save button at the bottom right corner to save our changes.
What to Look for In Your Inbox
All e-mails, no matter what the content is, will always have the subject line FranchiseBlast Daily Digest with the e-mail coming from
Store Group and Questionnaire Preferences
In the Other Settings section, you can set a Preferred Store Group. Using a preferred store group will filter our daily notifications and audit notifications to only pertain to locations within that store group. It will also filter your dashboard by this store group by default. This is particularly useful for people that have access to more than one store group within their organization but really need to focus on only one of them.
Field Audit Notifications
From the Field Audit Notifications panel, you can manage your subscriptions to various email notifications related to FranchiseBlast field audits. Simply select the checkboxes in the list for the notifications you'd like to subscribe to and leave the other ones unselected. You can also unsubscribe from receiving any field audit notifications by turning off the subscription switch in the panel heading at any time.
Important! Once you've completed the update, please do not forget to select the save button at the bottom right corner to save our changes.
Other Settings
You can also select your preferred store group, to reflect where you work most frequently, or the Preferred Questionnaire, to define the default franchise that you get presentd with.
Important! Once you've completed the update, please do not forget to select the save button at the bottom right corner to save our changes.
Need more help?
Feel free to contact us at with any questions.