So you have been assigned a task, now what do you do? 

In this article, we will explore how to complete tasks on both the mobile and the desktop interfaces. Note that this functionality is best experienced on mobile. If you are on desktop, you can get there by clicking on Mobile App on the bottom right. 

Completing Tasks on Mobile 

To get started, click on this icon in the center of the mobile interface. 

You will then see a listing of all tasks that belong to you. 

Note, that if you are a store owner, or have access to more than one unit, such as in a franchisor role, you may want to check the desktop interface for a more complete list of tasks. The desktop interface includes tasks from all stores that you have access to. Whereas the mobile app shows just the tasks assigned to you. 

To complete a task, click on Mark as Complete. It will then show a detailed screen of:

  • Started 
  • Completed 
  • Won't Do
  • Refused. 

Select the relevant status. If it is completed, the task will disappear from your list. 

Adding Comments and Pictures 

Sometimes you want to add a comment or a picture to a task, such as showing a work in progress, or updating it to say that you have asked a third party. 

To add that information, click on the speech bubble on the left for a comment, and the camera on the right for a picture, both found on the relevant task. 

You can then enter your task activity. 

Completing Tasks on Desktop

Any time a task is assigned to you you'll receive an email with the information you need to finish the task. If you want to look at it from the FranchiseBlast Dashboard you can go into Collaboration > Tasks.

On this screen, you will see a listing of tasks. For most users, it will show just your own tasks. 

If you have access to a few stores or are a store owner, such as from a Franchisor, Franchise Business Coach or Multiunit or Franchisee perspective, you will see tasks for all stores that you have access to. This helps you understand what is going on in all of your stores from the big picture. If you are a franchisee, it will help you see what is happening with the team that you are managing. The only thing that is hidden from this view is the tasks marked private.  

You can choose to filter the tasks to Store Group, Store, User and Status. From here you'll see a list of all Tasks assigned to you. 

Select one of the tasks.

Update the status on the bottom right, as shown, to Completed

Adding Comments, Pictures and Documents 

Sometimes you need to add more details to a completed tasks. 

To add comments and pictures, click on the Discussion Tab.

  • Type in your comment and click on the speech bubble icon to add text.
  • Click the camera icon to add a picture, and upload it. 

This screen also gives you an opportunity to see what is happening from a discussion standpoint from other team members. 

You can also add documents by clicking Documents > Upload.

More Task Settings


The task screen has a powerful set of abilities to track what is happening with tasks. 

  • Store: If you want to assign a task to a new store, you can do that here. 
  • Priority: This helps you define how urgent and important the task is. This will show up to the person completing the task to help them determine what to do first. 
  • Visibility: If the task it Public, it will show to anyone who has access. If it is Private, only the creator and assignee will see it. 
  • Team: This defines the team that the task was assigned to. If a task is assigned to a team, and not an individual, it will not show up on the individuals interface. You can learn about teams here
  • Assigned User: This defines the individual who is assigned the task. If you cannot find the name of the person, try selecting Anyone in Team

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