This article is intended for FranchiseBlast users being granted with Franchise Polling Manager permission.

Figure 1. Changing the close date of a poll

      A poll in FranchiseBlast has a close date, which means it stop receiving answers from its recipients after its close date has passed.  When the close date of a poll has passed, recipients will get a "Your poll has expired page".  If managers want to extend the poll's close date to enable recipients to fill their pending requests they can change the poll's close date to a date in the future in the poll editor, under the close date control as shown below:

Figure 2. When a poll is completed the close date field is read-only and therefore the close date cannot be changed

     Sometimes poll recipients complete polls but have the need to go back and edit their answers.  If all the results in the poll have already been submitted by their recipients, then that means the poll is in a Completed state.  Therefore, you'll notice that you can't changed the close date anymore because the field is read-only (see figure 2 above).  In order to change the close date, a user with the Franchise Polling Manager role needs to revert at least one of the results from the Completed to Started state.  Please refer to our article on How to Change a Poll Result from the Completed State to the Started State for how to proceed with that.  Afterwards, a user with the Franchise Polling Manager role will be able to change the close date.

Don't forget to save afterwards!  Otherwise your changes won't take effect.