When you are invited to participate in a Project within FranchiseBlast, you can then update the tasks assigned to you according to their actual status.

Once the Project is launched, assignees will receive email reminders 7-days days before the tasks are due. This email contains a link to the Project so users can easily access and sign-off on tasks. Assignees receive emails reminders until the mark the task as "Done".

To view a launched Project, go back to the Project main page and select one from the list.

When you select a Project, you are brought the first section that has an overdue task. You can navigate the different sections by using the "Go to Section" dropdown menu.

The icons to the left indicates the status of each task. You can update the status by selecting this icon. The statuses available are, "new", "started", "done", "closed/no action required", and "refused/non-compliant".

In addition to the changing the task status, you can also edit the due date, assignee, and visibility of each task. You can also update the Project's target date. If you do this, the task due dates will automatically update to correspond to the new timeline.

To see more information, select the box icon with the arrow to the right of the task.

Once you select the icon, you'll be taken to a detailed overview of the task. Here you can see comments or pictures that have been added by the assignor or assignee. You can also add comments or pictures by selecting the corresponding tabs.

Need more help?

Feel free to contact support@franchiseblast.com with any questions.