If you would like to create a new account in FranchiseBlast for an existing store, you can submit a request by following these steps:


***Please note that you need Administrative permissions to perform these functions. 

Go to Administration>Create New Franchisee then click the plus sign at the top right corner

On the next screen, please choose "create a new user for existing franchise". To expedite the process, please choose the correct user type. Depending on what is chosen, the account will be assigned different levels of access in FranchiseBlast. Under Franchise location, you can choose the drop down list to select the store that you would like the account to have access to.

Please note that in the address field, there are mandatory fields: Address, City, Postal/Zip Code and Telephone. If you do not have this information at this time, please use TBD so that you can submit your request.

Once your request has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to FranchiseBlast:

To submit a request for a new user account and new store, please visit this page.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact us at: 