Self-assessments allow franchisees to continuously improve performance by auditing themselves, rather than waiting for an auditor to visit. If you are interested in self-assessments, please contact us for more details. 

To perform a self-assessment, please perform the following steps:

In desktop view, please go to Collaboration -->Self-Assessments and use the new button on the bottom left. 

In mobile view, simply select the "launch a new self-assessment" button at the top. Please note that if you are a multi-unit franchisor, you will need to select the store that you would like to perform the assessment on first. 

On the next screen, please choose the questionnaire that you would like to perform the self-assessment on:

Once you've made the selection, please choose the "launch a new self-assessment" button to start your assessment:

You will now see the list of the questions that need to be completed. Once you've answered all of the questions, please select the submit button to complete the assessment. Please note that questions with a red asterisk indicate a mandatory answer.

Once you're successfully submitted your self-assessment, you can review it by going back to the store page.

From there you will see the "store most recent audit" widget. To view the details, simply click on it to bring up the answers that were submitted for the assessment.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact us at: